• Time

    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

  • Location/Venue

    Central London

20 October 2015

Student Ambassador Forum

This event is now over, you will find a summary below.

This forum successfully delivered a conference for student ambassadors by student ambassadors at the end of the last academic year. The meeting began by reviewing this event and the evaluation survey results with the view to delivering the event in 2015/16. The group also reviewed the ongoing development of a generic AccessHE Student Ambassador handbook and reviewed its current content. The forum then welcomed Hanif Quadir from the Active Change Foundation who talked to colleagues about recognising radicalisation and extremism. The invited speaker offered advice to the group on how to develop a training module for student ambassadors covering this very topical area.

Student Ambassador Forum 20/10/15 Draft Agenda

If you would like to know anything about this event, please contact Guy Cowen-Hutton, AccessHE Intern, at guy.cowen-hutton@londonhigher.ac.uk.