1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Central London
14 January 2020
Disability Forum
This Action Forum meeting will (likely) feature:
-CPD training preceding the meeting at 1-2pm
Delivered by Senclude (TBC) on Accessible Materials, additional considerations and their impact leading onto discussion around student mental health
-DAS-QAQ disclosure
Best practice discussion on the DAS-QAG closure (www.practitioners.slc.co.uk/media/1760/dsa-qag-closure-information-ssin-08-19.pdf) and ways to support students going forward
-Updates – DSA awareness resource project
-University Information Day 2019
Feedback and review of the event which took place on 6 November 2019
–News from our partners
–Any other business
Please find a draft agenda here.
If you are able to attend, please register by 10am on Tuesday 7 January 2019. If you are unable to attend or to send a colleague in your place you can send your apologies by emailing tanyel.kazim@londonhigher.ac.uk. A final agenda and any papers will be sent a week in advance of the meeting.
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