• Time

    2:00 pm - 4:00 pm

  • Location/Venue

    Central London

16 May 2019

Evidence and Evaluation forum

This forum meeting will likely feature:

External speaker – Theory of Change

Julian Crockford, University of Sheffield.

External speaker – using outcomes-based logic models to evaluate access, success and progression initiatives

Katherine Sela, University of Surrey.

Access and Participation digest

A frequent slot allowing members to discuss the latest guidance, pose questions and share best practice.

Please see a draft agenda here.

If you are able to attend, please register by 10am on Thursday 9 May 2019. If you are unable to attend or to send a colleague in your place you can send your apologies by emailing tanyel.kazim@londonhigher.ac.uk. A final agenda and any papers will be sent a week in advance of the meeting.

Book event