9:30 am - 1:00 pm
Central London
6 July 2016
Year 9 Expo
This event will provide Year 9 students who have the potential to go onto higher education (HE) with the opportunity to find out more about the opportunities available and the benefits of HE.
The expo will encourage students to think about the different elements of HE including:
- Money
- Academic
- Social
- Health
Students will also have a valuable opportunity to quiz current students about their higher education experience.
Attendance for students is FREE.
A draft programme of the event can be found here.
To book places for your students, please complete and return this booking form to Guy Cowen-Hutton, AccessHE Operations Officer, at guy.cowen-hutton@londonhigher.ac.uk , before 5pm on Wednesday 8 June 2016.
N.B. Places will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis and schools are limited to 10 places in the first instance. Students must be accompanied by staff from their school at the event. Please read the AccessHE terms and conditions before making a booking. Exact details of the venue will be disclosed upon booking.
Please note that this event is open to schools and colleges in London only.