Impact London
February 3, 2017
The Impact London project was set up in 2016 with the aim of supporting HEIs in conducting rigorous impact evaluation of their outreach projects by providing expertise and by forming a collaborative network for the sharing of best practice in impact evaluation. This project has four project group meetings, each centred on a theme relevant to the evaluation process. In early January, the group had its second meeting, which focused on all aspects of questionnaire design. In this workshop, participants looked at types of questions and the resulting data spreadsheets, the wording of questions, and the layout and design of questionnaires.
After an introduction into the subject, participants gave each other feedback on their questionnaires. Over the following weeks, participants will finalise their evaluation frameworks and questionnaires. Several HEIs will also start data collection.
The next project group meeting is planned for June, in which the group will look at statistical analysis.