Launch of the AccessHE Creative HE Apply Guide
July 27, 2018
Over the past year, a group of AccessHE member institutions have supported the development of an exciting new resource – the AccessHE Creative HE Apply Guide 2018. The Guide has been designed to support students to discover and apply to a range of creative higher education courses, including art, dance, design, drama, music, technical theatre and more.
For further information on the background to the Guide and why our members chose to work towards producing this resource, you can check out the article linked below, written by our Deputy Head, Jamie Mackay, from Wonkhe.
Read: Supporting applications to the creative arts
On Monday 9 July 2018 to begin AccessHE Week 2018, we held Strengthening our creative capital: a launch event for the Apply Guide and roundtable discussion exploring the question ‘How open are creative courses and careers in London?’ . Kindly hosted by Urdang Academy, the event sought to examine the current state of access for under-represented groups in this area and share ideas and practice for how we can support learners with creative ambitions in a difficult political and educational climate.
We were delighted to welcome colleagues Carys Nelkon from Arts Emergency and Julia Wright from A New Direction to offer an insight into their own work in this area, before welcoming all attendees to participate in a roundtable discussion exploring what needs to be done within schools, colleges, universities, government, cultural providers and employers to ensure a pipeline of diverse and trained talent.
Following the roundtable and launch event, we’ve been promoting the Guide far and wide to schools, colleges, Uni Connects and cultural providers. If you’re interested in a print-ready version of the file or would like to enquire about printed copies, please get in touch with