AccessHE Resources

At AccessHE we want to provide as many students as possible with expert information, guidance, and advice. View our digital resources which have been created in collaboration with London universities, current students, employers, and experts on higher/further education and careers.

If you would like a physical copy of any of our resources for your school please email

Know Before You Go Guide 

A guide to support students’ decisions and transitions after school. We have two guides one for Y11s and Y13s. The guide covers post-school options, study skills, and first-hand tips from employers on what they’re looking for when recruiting.

Year 11

Year 13

Cost of Living Guide 

The crisis we are all experiencing is impacting students’ choices around whether to go to university and what to study. We’ve produced a free guide for Year 12 and 13 students which aims to present the facts on the cost of HE study. Hear from current students and access an impartial perspective. Features fun interactive resources.

Cost of Living guide

Creative Apply Guide

Aimed at anyone considering studying a creative education or career, whether you are a student in school, or college or a mature learner looking to retrain. It has detailed information on how to make an application and tips for putting together a portfolio, interviews, and auditions.

Creative Apply guide

Parent Carer guide

A guide aimed at parents and carers to inform them about all aspects of higher education study.

Parent Carer guide