• Time

    3:00 pm - 4:00 pm

28 October 2020

BAME e-Forum

If you are able to attend, please register by 10am on Monday 26th October 2020. If you are unable to attend or to send a colleague in your place you can send your apologies by messaging Richard via MS Teams or e-mailing richard.boffey@londonhigher.ac.uk.

The meeting agenda can be found below, and any papers as well as joining instructions will be sent to registered attendees on the morning of Wednesday 28th October. Please do also keep an eye on the BAME Forum MS Teams channel for any further announcements in advance of the meeting.


  1. Welcome and introductions
    The meeting will be chaired by Jack Kilker, City, University of London and Obi Oputa, St Mary’s University
  2. Apologies for absence
    Please notify Richard Boffey on MS Teams or via email (richard.boffey@londonhigher.ac.uk) if you are unable to attend this meeting.
  1. Opening discussion: supporting BAME students in 2020-21
    Forum members are invited to share their perspective on the following discussion questions:
    a) How are BAME students coping with the start/resumption of their studies?

    b) Which forms of support for BAME students have been working well so far this academic year? Which are proving less effective, or are less viable to offer?
  1. Presentation: collaborating with employers to support BAME student progression
    Amrit Bahia (Director, Commercial Banking, Natwest & organiser of Natwest’s Careers Immersion Week) will share insights from Natwest’s work in this space with the forum. To be followed by discussion.
  1. Forum priorities for 2020/21
    Discussion and suggestions for themes that can be covered in subsequent meetings.
  1. Round up of sector events and opportunities
    AccessHE to circulate a digest in advance of the meeting. Forum members are invited to signpost colleagues to other opportunities of potential interest.
  1. Any other business
  2. Date and time of next e-Forum meeting
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