9:30 am - 11:30 am
Mary Ward House
25 April 2024
Collaboration Capital session 2 – enabling student success in London HE
This informal networking session is intended for staff at AccessHE members who want to build their awareness of the landscape of student success initiatives and partners in London. It will be of interest to staff with responsibility for developing and delivering collaborative student success projects and/or for overseeing student success partnerships.
This event will spotlight organisations who specialise in supporting current higher education students from underrepresented backgrounds in London, via interventions such as coaching and mentoring.
Organisations in attendance include:
- CoachBright. CoachBright runs subject-specific, tailored coaching programmes with a focus on building young people’s confidence, independence and resilience. This includes Lifecycle, a coaching programme for young people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds during their transition into higher education and progression towards future employment.
- With Insight Education. With Insight Education runs a range of mentorship and skills development programmes for black-heritage school pupils and university students. Current students have the opportunity to serve as mentors on With Insight Education’s HE access programmes, developing their employability skills.
To reserve a place and receive full information please contact us at accesshe@londonhigher.ac.uk.
This session forms part of our Collaboration Capital event series, providing our members with an informal space in which to meet and network with local access and participation partners. The overarching aim of the series is to help our members to build ‘collaboration capital’ across all stages the student lifecycle by increasing awareness of relevant organisations as well as their programmes and their approaches to partnering with HEIs.
Sessions 1 and 3 will map widening access and student progression initiatives, respectively. You can find information on those sessions on our Events page.