• Time

    9:30 am - 1:30 pm

  • Location/Venue

    Central London

8 May 2017

Falling through the cracks: Enabling Access to HE for Unaccompanied Asylum Seeker Children

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The Government is committed to widening access to HE for students who have left care. However, for unaccompanied children claiming asylum in the UK (over 3,000 in 2015) who fall under the care of local authorities, there is very little research on their progression rates to higher education nor about the challenges they face.

At this AccessHE event on 8 May, along with launching our research into this important widening participation area, we will consider how universities and the wider community can best support these groups throughout their learner journeys.

Other reasons to attend:

  • Hear from individuals from these backgrounds who have managed to make successful transitions into higher education in London
  • Build up your understanding and hear how your organisation can work with others to make a difference to these individuals’ lives
  • Find out more about how AccessHE is working with HEIs across London and further afield to support individuals in these circumstances


NEW! Download the programme


For more information contact Guy Cowen-Hutton at guy.cowen-hutton@londonhigher.ac.uk.