2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
15 June 2020
Student Ambassador e-Forum
If you are able to attend, please register by 10am on Monday 15 June 2020. If you are unable to attend or to send a colleague in your place you can send your apologies by privately messaging Tanyel via MS Teams or e-mailing Tanyel.kazim@londonhigher.ac.uk. A final agenda, any papers and conference joining instructions will be sent 1-3 days in advance of the e-meeting.
- Welcome, introductions and recap of previous meeting
- Colleagues Corner
A recurring ‘catch up’ slot to address any general topics/concerns/questions from colleagues since the last meeting. Please raise anything you like prior to the meeting via MS Teams ‘Colleagues Chat’ channel.
- Discussion: evaluation of student ambassador programmes
Many colleagues will be reviewing their ambassador schemes in the context of impact and evaluation as we reach the close of the 2019-20 academic year. Please come to the meeting prepared to discuss your institution’s approach to student ambassador programme evaluation. We hope to be joined by speakers from partner organisations and AccessHE non-member HEIs for this item.
- Practice sharing: virtual ambassador awards
A short agenda item sharing practice and experiences of the membership in the virtual delivery of student ambassador award events.
- AOB and close
- Time and date of next e-meeting
Monday 20 July, 2-3pm, via Zoom. Booking page and agenda TBC.
Book event