2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
Central London
3 November 2015
The Arts and Design Forum
This event is now over, you will find a summary below.
The forum meeting began with members receiving an update on The Arts and Design London HE Network (ADLHEN), an AccessHE project being delivered as part of the HEFCE National Networks for Collaborative Outreach (NNCO) scheme. Members discussed how this project will sit alongside the work of the forum, complementing it, but with the group’s activity remaining separate. Following on from this and the delivery of the ‘Getting In…’ series in Summer 2015, colleagues reviewed the attendance, feedback and materials from these events. Colleagues then continued this conversation, considering further development of these events, and explored activities and outputs of the forum in 2015/16.
The Arts and Design Forum 3/11/15 Draft Agenda
If you would like to know anything about this event, please contact Guy Cowen-Hutton, AccessHE intern, at guy.cowen-hutton@londonhigher.ac.uk.