11:00 am - 3:00 pm
Central London
6 November 2019
University Information Day 2019
Want to get a better understanding of university life and study? Join our University Information Day for Disabled and Dyslexic Learners.
Kindly hosted by:
University Information Day 2019 is a *free* half-day event aimed at Year 11+ SEND (special educational needs and disabilities) students at school or college and those in further education, parents/carers, teachers, SENCos and other staff working within schools and colleges.
Delivered in collaboration with Members of the AccessHE Disability Forum, it is designed to provide an insight into university life and study as a disabled or dyslexic learner. Attendance is FREE and lunch and refreshments are provided.
Attendees will have the opportunity to:
- Visit a university campus and understand the support availablefor disabled and dyslexic students, including mental health & wellbeing support and those with hidden disabilities
- Hear a motivational talk on university life and study from disabled students/alumni
- Learn about the Disabled Students Allowance (DSA), needs assessments, additional funding and more from our partner organisations
- Ease concerns and ask questions during panel Q&A sessions for both students and parents/teachers
- Participate in an interactive workshop on assistive technologies
- Take part in an accessible campus tour with student ambassadors and/or a showcase of assistive technologies and equipment in the on-site centre
Download the event flyer here.
Download the event programme here.
It sounds great! How can I book a place?
Please note, this is a ‘booking only’ event. Places are limited and allocated on a first come, first served basis so we encourage you to book on ASAP to avoid disappointment. If you are a member of school staff and you would like to book a number of places, please contact us.
Are you coming along? What are you looking forward to getting out of the day? Let us know!
Join the conversation or simply say hello to let us know you’re coming by tweeting us @AccessHE using the hashtag #UniInfoDay2019.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Book event