Evidence and Evaluation and Impact London

March 11, 2016

The Evidence and Evaluation forum recently welcomed their new chair Matt Hiely-Rayner, Head of Planning at Kingston University London.  With a wealth of experience in the area, Matt delivered a successful meeting where members discussed the Higher Education Green Paper and the next steps regarding the Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF) and its proposed metrics.

Colleagues additionally expressed their interest in a training event, to sit alongside the forum and to see the AccessHE data service updated.  At the meeting, Head of AccessHE, Dr Graeme Atherton also introduced a new project being proposed by AccessHE to be called ‘Impact London’.  This project will support rigorous evaluation of outreach projects, profile dissemination of findings and enable collective advocacy for outreach work in London and nationally. It is proposed that members identify an initiative that they believe will have a significant impact on the attitudes/attainment/behaviour of learners.  AccessHE will then work with participating members to support the systematic evaluation of these initiatives. 

A meeting will be convened in May 2016 for member HEIs interested in this project and provide an opportunity for colleagues to discuss it in more detail.  For more information on ‘Impact London’, please contact Dr Graeme Atherton at Graeme.Atherton@londonhigher.ac.uk.