AccessHE Uni Connect: Prepare to Progress Programme (P2P)

Do you want to find out more about studying your subject at university? 

Are you considering your options post-school?

Want to strengthen your UCAS application?

The AccessHE Uni Connect Prepare to Progress (P2P) programme offers Year 12s and Year 13s (including incoming Y12s from September) a taster of higher education (HE) study in  Law and  Sociology.

The P2P will assist you in your exam subjects and increase your confidence as you prepare to transition into post-secondary study.

Strengthen your UCAS application by adding P2P

Knowing what to put on your UCAS application can be daunting, however UCAS now provides a field where you can enter ‘activities in preparation for higher education that you have participated in’, and your attendance at the P2P sessions detailed could be one of these!

What does the P2P involve?

Step 1:  Complete an online subject Masterclass which comprises a video tutorial (c.30 minutes) delivered by a University of West London academic followed by short exercises.

Step 2: After completing the above online Masterclass, you then attend the live-streamed Zoom session delivered by an AccessHE Student Advocate in the subject strand they are currently studying. In this session you will have the opportunity to ask them questions about the subject Masterclass tutorial and the short exercises you completed, the course they are studying, what it is like to study their subject at university, and about university life in general. P.S. Don’t forget to bring your completed short exercises to this session!

How to book your FREE place

  1. Scroll down and click on the P2P session(s) you wish to attend and fill in the applicable booking form before deadline of 4:00pm on Wednesday 30 June 2021.
  2. After you submit your form you will receive an email from us on how to take the online subject Masterclass together with short exercises to be completed before you attend the live-streamed Zoom session
  3. You will also receive details of how to log-on to the live Zoom session.

Prepare to Progress!

NB Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

*** There are two Law P2P sessions listed below – please note the online subject Masterclass is identical for both sessions. ***

Thinking of studying law? Want to know what exactly you will do during a law degree? Keen to know about how to become a lawyer?

Law | Monday 5 July, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Presenter: A final year Middlesex University London LLB Law student who will be commencing the Legal Practice Course next year at the University of Law. Has had previous experience helping second year Law students at her own university and has loved studying her Law degree and hopes to inspire some of you. In her free time she enjoys training at the gym, skateboarding, and listening to podcasts!

Session outline: This session will take the form of a presentation including visual graphics, as well as an oral presentation, leaving a few minutes at the end to host a Q&A session where students can informally ask queries.

Click here to book your place by 4:00pm on Wednesday 30 June 2021.

NB Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.

Want to excel at Law school? This is your one-stop shop!

Law | Tuesday 6 July, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Presenter: An incoming final-year LSE Law student who has enjoyed Law school thus far. Received his A-Levels across History, English Literature and Religious Studies. He enjoys analysis, evaluation, effective research and writing essays covering the different arguments. He also enjoys questioning the current state, and the future of, Law.

Session outline: Attend this session to ask, and learn from, an incoming 3rd year Law student (who is socially mobile himself) how to crush Law school and push beyond your limits.

Click here to book your place by 4:00pm on Wednesday 30 June 2021.

NB Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.


Top Tips from a Sociology student: Course content, Key skills, Career opportunities and more

Sociology | Wednesday 7 July, 4:00pm – 5:00pm

Presenter: A first year Sociology student at the LSE who didn’t study it at A-Level; enjoys art, photography, musical theatre and sociology jokes

Session outline: This session will introduce the student’s personal journey to/ experience at university, what studying sociology at HE is like, what key skills are needed and how to develop them, and common career options after graduation

Click here to book your place by 4:00pm on Wednesday 30 June 2021.

NB Places are limited and will be allocated on a first-come first-served basis.