Sustaining AccessHE Online
February 3, 2017
The Royal Holloway online course filming and editing was finalised this month and became the 8th of nine proposed online courses to be added to the AccessHE Online platform. In a divergence from the target audience of the other eight courses, ‘Understanding the University Application Cycle’ provides teaching staff with a comprehensive overview of the challenging, and often complicated process of progression to higher education.
The decision to target teachers as opposed to the students themselves was driven by the rational that dissemination of the information through this medium could reach a greater number of learners- with one teacher able to spread their knowledge of the application cycle to multiple cohorts of learners. Circulating such information through an intermediary will also ensure that students do not feel overwhelmed by the information on offer and guarantees a physical point of contact for any further questions they may have.
The course builds on the real life experiences of Royal Holloway’s own student body, giving a fantastic insight into the factors that should be considered when choosing both a university and an undergraduate course. With this breadth of student experience to draw upon, Royal Holloway’s hugely informative course will without doubt enable students to better traverse the complex landscape of the university application cycle.
The long-term goal of the project is to create a free-to-air platform accessible to all students and teaching staff. This free-to-air service will be funded by HEI investment in AccessHE’s Online Course Sustainability Proposal and will aim to provide a multi-channeled social media campaign to generate interest among learners. Further to this AccessHE are considering working with their HEI partners to continue to develop additional courses with which to populate the platform.