Barnet Young Lecturers

The Barnet Young Lecturers is a youth activism and skills development project for Year 12 students at Copthall School. The project will help you to become agents of positive societal change by developing lectures on issues that are important to you and other young people.

Over six weeks of workshops you will receive expert training in communication, presentation and lecturing to help you design, develop and deliver university-style lectures.

The lectures will be 10-minutes long and on the final week will be presented to a live audience made up of Barnet organisations and friends/family. We will also be inviting in a videographer to professionally film your lectures so they can be shared afterward.

This is a unique opportunity that has been developed specifically for your school. You will work with expert trainers and coaches and gain a ton of skills.

Taking part in the programme will look great on your CV and the skills you learn will prepare you for your life post-school. Whether that is university, undertaking an apprenticeship, or heading straight into work.

Food and refreshments will be provided at each session.

Sign-up here

Deadline: Friday 31 March (only 10 places and first come first serve)